Help Our Research

Researchers including all of us at RTC:Rural, policy makers, and advocates use these data to advocate for the rights of people with disabilities. We are asking you to please help create an equitable future for people with disabilities by participating.

If you live in a rural area, your perspective is especially needed to improve the quality of information on disability in rural areas.

#Rual Disability Special Edition ENews

The NSHD: 

Is anonymous and confidential.
Takes about 20-30 minutes to complete.

Please be part of this conversation by completing the survey today and encouraging others to participate!

To request access to the survey through your telephone, email, or call toll-free: 1-855-556-6328.

Do you live with a disability? Please share your voice through the National Survey on Health and Disability (NSHD)!

Disability Snapshot

The NSHD is one of the only national surveys that exclusively focuses on people with disabilities, and time is running out to participate!

The data from the NSHD provide a snapshot of the state of disability in the U.S. We need your help to make this snapshot accurate! The NSHD is a valuable dataset, and an avenue to share your concerns and experiences related to:

* COVID 19 and long-COVID
* Personal Assistance Services worker shortages
* Housing
* Employment
* Unmet healthcare needs
* And much more

Healthy Community Living 

The Healthy Community Living (HCL) Program provides trainings to organizations and individuals who want to facilitate curriculum-based workshops with community members with disabilities. The suite of workshops explore how health, wellness, and community participation goals can enhance quality of life. Discover the valuable offerings of HCL, including the popular Facilitating Groups Training workshop. Workshop participants learn skills and receive facilitated support to put their goals into action.